Sphacelaria furcigera Kuetz


Sphacelaria furcigera Kuetz

Sphacelaria furcigera Kuetz


Plants stoloniferous or endophytic below, the erect axes 0.5-3.0 cm tall, 16-45µ diameter, sparsely branched, segments sparingly longitudinally divided and without secondary transverse divisions, hairs present 12-16 micron diameter, propagula slender, biradiate; rhizoids descending down from the base of thalli. The stalk 24µ in diameter, cylindrical or tapering to the base, at the summit with 2 cylindrical or somewhat tapering arms about equaling it in length, the segments undivided or with a single crosswall; sporangia spherical, 50 - 70µ diameter; gametangia dimorphic, the one type cylindrical, 45 - 65 µ long, 24 - 28 µ diameter with cells about 3µ diameter, the other more irregularly shaped, 30 - 60 µ long, 28 - 40 µ diameter, with cells about 6 µ diameter.

Distribution : Gujrat, Malvan, Ratnagiri, (Maharashtra), Goa, Karwar,Honawar, Bhatkal , (Karnataka)

Ecological status : Intertidal, Estuaries

IUCN status : NE

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